Horizontal product upsell customization.


Last Update a month ago

First, click on 'Customize' in the left-side menu. Alternatively, on the Dashboard page, go to 'App Setup' and click 'Customize Cart.' On the right, click the 'Go to Customize' button.

There are two sections: Widgets, where you can customize all settings for the horizontal product upsell, and Color Settings, where you can adjust colors for the horizontal product upsell.


(1) Upsell Widget Heading

You can see the 'Upsell Widget Heading' section. In this field, you can change the widget name, which will be used here and will also appear in the analytics section.

(2) Announcement Bar

In the 'Announcement Bar' settings, click the eye icon to enable or disable the announcement bar. You can customize the text, font size, font color, background color and other details.

For more detailed documentation on the announcement bar, click here.

(3) Timer Bar 

In the 'Timer Bar' settings, click the eye icon to enable or disable the timer bar. Inside, you can customize the timer bar text, font size, color, background colorand choose from various options.

For more detailed documentation on the Timer bar, click here.

(4) Horizontal Product Upsell Offer Settings

In the 'Horizontal Product Upsell' section, this feature lets you showcase your store products with or without a discount to increase your order AOV.

For more detailed documentation on horizontal product upsell, click here.
After that, click 'Save,' and your changes will appear in your store.

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